Jimmy Garstang
Billy Garstang
Robert Cowell
Jack Kirby
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Rush bottoming chairs W. Garstang J Garstang W. Blezard
Old Mill, First Floor, Rush bottoming area, closure 2010
Old Mill, First Floor, rush bottoming gear, closure 2010
Old Mill, First Floor, rush pile, closure 2010
Old Mill, First Floor, picture near rush bottoming area, closure 2010
Old Mill, Rush bottoming, 1980s
Old Kirk Mill, Berry's Chairworks, Rushbottoming, 1940s
Jimmy Garstang, rush bottoming, 1950s
Old Mill, rush bottoming area, closure 2010
The Imperial Industrial Review April 1924 Kirk Mill interior 1924 rush bottoming
Old Mill, rush bottomers, Kestor Slater (right), unknown on left, 1900
Old Kirk Mill, Rush bottoming designs, 2010