Berry's ChairworksBerry's Workers

List of all Berry’s workers

Here is a list of all Berry's workers we can think of so far ... do you have any to add? Or any information to add? Any nicknames to add? Everybody had a nickname !! ... [nicknames given in square brackets]

Harry Addison
Chris Allison
Harold Anderson (foreman)  (Upholsterer)
Tommy Andrews (Polishroom)
Bill Armer  (Upholsterer)
Hilda Armer  (Office)
Jim Ashcroft (Driver)
Tom Askew
Edward [Ted] Astley (machine shop)
George Atkinson (Foreman) [DoDo]  (Assembler)
Graham Atkinson
Mick Atkinson
Bob Atkinson
Susan Atkinson
Nick Baines  (Office)
Anne Bamber (nee Cookson)  (Upholsterer)
Bob Bamber  - (Upholsterer, Stores)
George Bamber   (Upholsterer)
Mick Barrass - (Electrician, Polisher, Maintainance)
Ronnie Batt
Johnny Bee  (machine shop)
Basil Beesley (Joiner)
Andrew Berry (Managing Director)
Harry Berry - (Sawyer)
James Berry  (Office)
Jack Berry (Managing Director)
Jack Betham
John Biggins (Boilerman)
John Birkett (Sawyer)
Ada Bleasdale
Tom Bleasdale (worked 1927-1934) (Joiner)
W. Bleasdale
Jim Blezard (Polisher)
Wilf Blezard  (Rushbottomer)
Dick Bolton (Sawyer)
Eric Bolton   (Driver)
Tommy Bolton  (Sawyer)
Keith Bower   (Machine shop, new mill)
Les Bowker  (Machine shop, new mill)
John Bretherton  (Sawyer
John Brown  (Sawyer)
Stan Burrow  (Rushbottomer)
Gary Butler
Tommy Byers 1
Tommy Byers 2 (worked Berry's 1942-1993) - (Stores)
Harry Byers
Brian Carlisle
Ronnie Carsley
Heidi Caunce-Berry (Designer)
Daniel Chytra
Bill Clegg
Ricky Coar
Tony Cocker
Paul Coggin (Driver)
Jim Collier  (Sawyer)
Jim Cook  (Polisher & painter)
Pat Cooke  (Office)
Alan Cookson [Cookie] (Polisher)
Bill Cookson [Farmer]
Colin Cookson (worked 1963-?) (Assembler)
Elias Cookson - (Packer)
Frank Cookson [Pedro]
Les Cookson [Crasher]
Owen Cookson  (Upholsterer)
Reg Cookson (second man)
Ronnie Cookson  (Polisher)
Stephen Cookson (1974-79)
Tommy Cookson  [Hooker] (driver)
Wilf Cookson [Pinhead]
Mick Cottam
Steve Cottam  (Rushbottomer)
Bob Coulthurst
Brian Coupe
Debbie Coupe
Chris Cowell [Thumper]
Robert Cowell  (Rushbottomer)
Mark Craig
Neil Craig
  (Wood turner)
Harry Croasdale
Jack Croasdale
Alan Dallison (International Sales Manager)
Bob Davis  (Automat), Show Van)
Joe Dent (Sawyer)
Keith Denver
Bobby Dewhurst
Chris Dewhurst

Steve Dewhurst sen
Steve Dewhurst jun  (Sawyer, Machine shop)
Peter Dewhurst
Peter Dewhurst 2  (Loading Bay)
Andrew Dinsdale  - (Machine shop)
Derek Double 
Derek Duncanson (Drive second man)
Peter Duncanson  (Rushbottomer, Upholsterer)
Denis Dyke   (Driver & Machine shop)
Joe Earl  (Boilerman)
Wendy Earl  (Polisher)
Mary Earl  (Machine shop)

Bill Eckton
Herbert Eckton  (Machine shop)
Brian Ellison  (Machine shop)
Chris Ellison  (Polisher)
Derek Ellison
Des Ellison
John Edward Ellison
George Ellison   (Rushbottomer, driver)
Margaret Ellison    (Canteen)
Maurice Ellison (Upholsterer)
Norman Evans  (Polisher)
Eddie Fairclough   (Driver)
Bill Fare/Fayre (Sawyer, )
Bill Fisher
Diane Fisher  (Packer)
Herbert Forest  (Joiner)
David Freeman [Crocket] (Gardener)
Derek Freeman [Turkey]
Herbert Freeman  (Sawyer)
Johnny Freeman  (Assembler)
Peter Freeman  (Yard Man)
Phyllis Freeman - (Polisher)
Ray Freeman [Canny] (Sawyer, Yard Man)
Syd Freeman
Tom Freeman
Tony Freeman [Loaf/Lewef]
Tony Gallagher
Billy Garstang  (Sawyer, Rushbottomer)
Jimmy Garstang  (Rushbottomer) [Longridge]
Jim Garstang [Hurst Green]
Christine Gee (Polisher)
Jimmy Gee (Polisher)
Brenda Glasgow (nee Cookson)  (machine shop)
Mervyn Glasgow  (Yard Man)
Bernard Gornall (worked at Berry's 1963-1979)  (Upholsterer)
Bert Gornall (Sawyer)
Bob Gornall  (Assembler)
Joe Gornall
Keith Gornall (worked 1964-1981) (Polisher)
Louis Gornall  (Upholsterer)
Mary Gornall
Vinnie Gornall
Yvonne Gornall (nee Dyke)  (Packer) [Worked at Berry's1969-1974]
Eddie Grayston (Driver)
Albert Hall  (Sawyer)
David Hall (Polisher)
Len Hall
Richard [Dick] Hall snr (Joiner)
Richard Hall jnr
David Hall
Jimmy Halsall
Dorothy Hancock (Office)
John Hardacre
Wilf Hardacre [Mushy]
Kevin Hardman
Dick Harrison  (Show Van)
Frank Harrison  (Packer)
Jim Harrison (Rush Bottomer & Polisher)
Pete Harrison
Agnes Hayhurst
Bob Hayhurst
Mary Hayhurst
Tony Hayhurst  (Upholsterer)
Alan Heaton - Transport Manager
Jimmy Heaton (Sawyer, machine shop)
Lorraine Heaton (nee Nelson) - Receptionist
Denis Hesmondhalgh [Tack]
Walter Hesmondhalgh (Polisher)
Brian Hewlitt
Alice Holden
Ben Holden
Bill Holden  (Upholsterer)
George Holden  (machine shop)
Yvonne Holt (nee Marsden)  (Office)
Bernard Hornby
Dennis Hornby
Ted Hornby
Richard Howson
John Hoyle  (Upholsterer)
Celia Hunt [Fanny]
Leo Hunt
Mick Hutchinson   (Vehicle mechanic)
Andrew Jackson
Arthur Jackson (Boiler man)
Harry Jackson  (Polisher)
Ray Jackson (Driver)
Kevin Johnson
Kevin Johnson [2] (Boiler man)
Sammy Johnson
Eileen Joy  (Office)
Dave Kay (Upholsterer)
Dave Keighley
Glyn Keighley
Ken Keighley
Tom Keighley
Ralph Keighley
Ernie Kenyon
Dave Kerfoot
Norman Kerfoot (Stores)
Bob Kinghorn (Polisher)
Ian Kinghorn
Jack Kirby - Rushbottomer
George Lawrence  (Upholsterer)
Alf Leece
Dessy Leece
Harold Leece [Snowy] (Sawyer)
Maurice Leece
Roger Leece
James Lomas (second man)
Harry Lowe  (Upholsterer)
Steve Magill
Len Marchant sen  (Maintainance)
Len Marchant jnr (Printer)
Bart Marsden (Joiner)
Bob Marsden
Eileen Marsden [Liza] (nee Cookson) (worked Berry's 1966-2010) - (Machine Shop)
Frank Marsden [Spaddy]  (driver)
Geoff Marsden (worked 1945-?) (Joiner)
Jack Marsden (Machine Shop)
John Marsden  (Polisher)
Lizzie Marsden
Tommy Marsden (Vehicle mechanic)
Jack Marsh  (Upholsterer)
Joe Marsh
Fred Martin  (Driver)
John Martin
Nellie Martin
Teddy Martin (Upholsterer)
Tony Martin  (machine shop)
Joe Masterson (second man)
Graham McEwan (Boiler Man)
Michael McIlroy (Works Manager)
Mick McKay   (Vehicle mechanic)
Benny Mercer  (Assembler)
Alan Metcalf
Ted Metcalf   (Transport manager and other )
Dick Moon
Maggie Moon
Marie Moon
Derek Morris
Jim Morris
Albert Morse
Margaret Mullard
Ted McCreary
Kevin Neary (Upholsterer)
Lorraine Nelson
Raymond Nelson [Taffy]
Frank New (Polisher)
Jackie Nuttall
Tommy Nuttall (Polisher)
Wilf Nuttall
Pete O’Donoghue (Polisher)
Cliff O'Neill (Buyer/Production Planner worked 2005-8)
Jan Orawiec  (Upholsterer)
Alan Ormerod  (Foreman Upholsterer)
Lyndon Orrell
Alan Parker
Bob Parker (Sawyer)
Alan Parkinson (Polisher)
Bob Parkinson
Douglas/Dougie Parkinson [Plum] (Sawyer, Wood turner, Assembler)
J. Parkinson
T. Parkinson
Keith Pattinson (Polisher, Yard Man)
Doreen Pinder (Polisher)
Jimmy Pinder (Polisher)
Joan Pinder (Polisher)
Maureen Proctor  (Packer)
Hilda Pye
Bill Roberts [Milker] (Sawyer)
Gordon Robinson (Salesman) [1960s]
J. Robinson
Walter Robinson  (Office)
Steve Rogerson
Rachel Ronson
Dougie Roskell  (Packer)
Denis Rowe  (Machine shop)
Frank Rowe
Ben Rutherford
Jimmy Sanderson
Tommy Sanderson (Foreman (Packer)
Alice Seed (Polisher)
Annie Seed (nee Blezard) (Polisher)
Betty Seed (Canteen)
Bill Seed [Stett]
Bill Seed [Curly]  (Assembler)
Bill Harry Seed
Bob Seed (Sawyer)
Denis Seed
George Seed  (Upholsterer)
Harry Seed (Sawyer, Wood turner)
Horace Seed (Sawyer)
John Seed [Ivor]  (Machine shop)
John Procter-Seed
Joyce Seed (Polisher)
Marian Seed  (Polishroom & Packer)
Percy Seed - (Assembler)
Rowland Seed
Tom Seed [Mellet Head/Ponhead]  (Polisher)
Peter Sharples  (Assembler, old mill)
Cliff Shuttleworth
Diane Shuttleworth
Marian Shuttleworth  (Packer)
Bill Singleton
Norma Singleton (Packer)
Steve Singleton
John Singleton
Bill Slater
Kestor Slater  (Rushbottomer)
Belle Slinger (Machine shop)
Vinnie Slinger  [Hank] (Machine shop, new mill)
Gerry Small  (Polisher)
Sandy Snape
Archie Squires
Howard John (Jack) Squires
Bill Squires [Jerry]
Fred Squires sen (Fork lift driver, Yard Man)
Ted Squires
Christine Stanley  (Office)
Jack Stead (Polisher)
Dean Stocks
Joe Tattersall (Polisher)
Peter Tattersall
Ray Taylor (Polisher)
Alan Thornton (Driver)
Dick Thornton
Donald Thornton   (Driver)
Jimmy Thornton  (Boilerman)
Eddie Timbrell (Polisher)
Janet Timbrell  (Packer, Canteen)
Patsy Timbrell  (Machine shop, new mill)
Raymond Timbrell
Tommy Timbrell (Polisher)
J. Towers
Jimmy Turver  (Assembler)
Peter Turver  (Office)
Mick Turver
Simon Turver (Office)
George Tweedy
Harry Tweedy (Sawyer)
Evelyn Tyson (Canteen)
John Tyson  (Driver)
Monica Wadeson (Rushbottomer)
Ronnie Wadeson (Assembler)
Terry Wadeson
Albert Walker
Ciss (Sarah) Walker (nee Walmsley) (Polisher)
Graham Walker
Johnny Walker (Rushbottomer)
Pete Walker (Polisher, Upholsterer)
Ray Walker [Chips] - (Sawyer, driver)
Bill Wallace (Sawyer)
A. Wallbank [Owd Nab]
Ned Wallbank
Roger Wallbank
Angela Walmsley  (Packer)
Dave Walmsley
Dick Walmsley  - (Wood turner)
Richard Walmsley
Irvin Walmsley (foreman)  (Packer)
Maureen Walmsley  (Packer)
Tom Walmsley [Cuth]
Yvonne Walmsley  (Packer)
Brian Ward  (Office)
Dick Wareing  (Machine shop)
Norman Wareing
Bob Warne
Tom Watson
Bill Wells (Sawyer)
Dick Wells  (Assembler)
Frank Wells (Sawyer)
John Wells (foreman, worked Berry's 1946-1994) - (Polisher)
Josie Wells (Upholsterer)
Leo Wells (Upholsterer)
Liz Wells  (Packer)
Maureen Wells
Tom Westcott  (Machine shop)
Bob Wharton (Polisher)
Elizabeth Wightman
Jim Wilcock  (Packer foreman)
Ken Willan (Polisher)
Jimmy White  (Upholsterer & other)
Andrew Whittaker
Colin Whittaker  (Assembler Old Mill)
Frank Whittaker (worked Berry's 1962-?) - (driver)
May Whittaker
Paul Whittaker (1980-1990)
Jim Wilcox (foreman)  (Packer)
Gerry Wilkinson (Machine shop, new mill)
Neil [Sam] Wilkinson (Polisher)
Ken Willan (Polisher)
Charlie Wilson
J. Wilson
Johnny Wilson  (Machine shop)
Kevin Wilson (Warehouse)
Peter Wilson
Teddy Wilson [Digger]  (driver)
Bernard Winder
Frances Winder
Jack Winder
Tony Winder
Tom Wolstenholme [Chew]
Billy Woodall (Sawyer)
John Woodruff
Barry Woods
Bill Woods
Dennis Woods
Elaine Woods (nee Cookson)  (machine shop, new mill)
John Woods (Joiner)
JT Woods
David Young

13 thoughts on “List of all Berry’s workers

  • Stephen Cookson

    Stephen Cookson worked there 1974-79

    • heritage hub

      Thanks Stephen!! The list has been updated!

  • Graham Mcewan

    Graham McEwan Boiler Man
    Sorry can’t remember dates

    • heritage hub

      Brilliant! Thanks a lot, Graham! And Happy New Year!

  • Simon Turver

    Kevin Wilson (Warehouse)
    Ray Jackson (Driver)
    Paul Coggin (Driver)
    Alan Thornton (DRiver)
    Alan Dallison (National Sales Mgr)

    • heritage hub

      Brilliant! Thanks a lot, Simon!

  • Geoff Carsley

    My dad Ronnie Carsley worked there up to his retirement early 1990’s.

    • heritage hub

      Thanks Geoff – what did your Dad do at Berry’s?
      Thanks again!

  • Alison Marsden

    Does anyone know if Bart Marsden’s first name was Bartholomew? He was a joiner.
    Thank you!

    • keith gornall

      Yes, his first name name was Bartholomew.

  • heritage hub

    Thanks for the heads up from Heidi Caunce-Berry, added as a designer and Chris Hunt – Uncle Richard Walmsley has now also been added!!

  • Cliff O'Neill

    Cliff O’Neill (Buyer/Production Planner) 2005-2008

    • heritage hub

      Thanks Cliff!!


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